Riverside Festival 30/31 July 2022
Happy New Year everyone!!! It’s the start of a new year so what better time to announce the return of Riverside 2022!
Plans are well under way, and we can’t wait to get back to it – we’ve really missed the fun of the festival, all the live music, a beer or two, great tasting festival food, and our brilliant Riverside Festival crowds!!
Remember, Riverside is entirely free to enter, and that is down to the astonishing community effort that goes into staging the festival.
If you want to get involved, we love meeting new people – please get in touch: volunteer@riversidefestival.charlbury.com
For artist enquiries: music@riversidefestival.charlbury.com
For trader enquiries: traders@riversidefestival.charlbury.com
*note: subject to covid restrictions allowing, and all license approvals