If you want to be part of the Wicked Events stewarding team at The Riverside Festival please visit their web site at www.wickedevents.co.uk . You can then get the chance to steward with them at other festivals they work at including:
Wychwood Music Festival www.wychwoodfestival.com
Larmer Tree Festival www.larmertreefestival.co.uk
End of The Road Festival www.endoftheroadfestival.com
Towersey Village Festival www.towerseyfestival.com
Under The Stars www.underthestarsfest.co.uk
Cornbury Music Festival www.cornburyfestival.com
Riverside Festival www.riversidefestival.charlbury.com
Gate to Southwell Folk Festival www.southwellfolkfestival.org.uk
Lechlade Festival www.lechladefestival.co.uk
Just So Festival www.justsofestival.org.uk
Sidmouth Folk Week www.sidmouthfolkweek.co.uk
Bristol International Jazz and Blues Festival www.bristoljazzandbluesfest.com